Rameshwar Cultural Sabha Board of Directors

President - Pundit Rajesh Maraj 

Vice President/ P.R. Officer - Bramha Ramkeesoon

Secretary - Jenny Rambharose

Treasurer -  Ann-Marie Deboran

Assistant Treasurer/Event Coordinator - Sudha Harrypaul

Religious Events and Fundraising - Renuka Baldeo

Maintenance and New Projects- Mahabir Singh


Rameshwar Cultural Sabha is a charity devoted to cultural enhancement. We work to empower the youth through various developmental classes, and nurture the old through care initiatives. Our programs and services extend to whole families and entire communities. 

The mission of Rameshwar Mandir is centered on Hindu worship, prayer, philosophy, education, and an assimilation of values stemming from the precepts of Hinduism.

The temple strives to enhance the religious experience for all in our diverse community through a multitude of events, daily pujas and scheduled yagnas.  This is a house of worship, learning, personal and moral development, whilst respecting others beliefs. We endeavor to enhance the cultural experience for all in our diverse community through a multitude of events, classes and programs.  This is a house of learning, personal and moral development and humanitarian ventures. Our primary focus is to maintain the teachings of Hindu Heritage and develop a sense of unity, respect, love and community spirit.